Our customer Gary from California recently flashed his 3.8L Porsche 997 C4S with the VRTuned ECU Tuning software.  The ECU Flash is designed to give the car a well balanced improvement in driveability and based on his comments, it did that!  “I just installed my flash for my 06 997 C2S. I was impressed the first time I ran it through the gears, but one blast through the canyon, and I was hooked. The car pulls strong all the way to 7500 rpm, then drops right into the sweet spot when I shift. Normal mode is more like sport mode used to be. Sport mode now is very crisp and responsive. Dan was a big help with the whole process. To say I am happy would be an understatment.”

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I just installed my flash for my 06 997 C2S. I was impressed the first time I ran it through the gears, but one blast through the canyon, and I was hooked. The car pulls strong all the way to 7500 rpm, then drops right into the sweet spot when I shift. Normal mode is more like sport mode used to be. Sport mode now is very crisp and responsive. Dan was a big help with the whole process. To say I am happy would be an understatment.

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